There are many different types of milestones. You have to go past a radar at a certain speed, or do some things while you are being chased by the police, which gets harder the longer you are being chased.
There are 6 Heat Levels, which determine how hard it is to evade the police. At level 1, only local police cars chase you. They are extremely easy because the police lose track of you pretty quickly.
Level 3 introduces Manaro Cops, and they are more powerful and can block you in easier than anyone else so far. Also 4WD SUVs called Rhinos try to ram you from the front.
Level 5 is extremely difficult to evade from. The helicopters are harder to evade, and Cross Corvette cars start chasing you. In this heat level, there is sometimes a second car behind the first row of the roadblocks. This means you have to go through both rows of SUVs because spike strips are usually on the other side of the road.
Level 6 is only reached on the last level of the game. I don't want to give away the ending, so I will just say that Sargeant Cross comes joins the chase to try and stop you.
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